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HydraSpecma relocates operations from Tranemo to modern facilities in Stargard

17. februar 2025
HydraSpecma has decided to move its current operations from the Tranemo facility in Sweden to its plant in Stargard, Poland. This decision is part of the company’s strategy to strengthen its global market position by increasing competitiveness and optimizing production efficiency. The relocation is planned to take place during 2025.

After a thorough evaluation of the supply chain on both a local and global level, and with consideration to factors such as competitiveness, logistics, and production efficiency, HydraSpecma has decided to transfer its factory operations in Tranemo to the Stargard facility.

The decision means that the operations in Tranemo will be gradually phased out during 2025. HydraSpecma has approximately 50 employees in Tranemo who will be affected by this change. The closure will take place in stages, starting in the second quarter of 2025, with full decommissioning expected during the third quarter. The company is actively working with union representatives to ensure the best possible solutions for the affected employees.

"The company’s management has carefully evaluated the future of the factory as a whole and has concluded that relocating operations to Stargard is the only viable solution. Our employees in Tranemo are highly skilled and experienced, and we will do our utmost to support them in finding new job opportunities. The closure of the factory will be carried out gradually to ensure excellent customer service and a smooth transition of production capacity to our facility in Stargard," says Markus Wallin, COO of HydraSpecma.

HydraSpecma’s facility in Stargard is a modern 15,000 m² production unit, designed to meet the European market’s growing demand for bent tubes. The facility is equipped with solar panels that provide the production with renewable energy, contributing to sustainable and efficient operations. The relocation strengthens HydraSpecma’s ability to deliver high-quality products and meet customer needs in a competitive manner.

For more information, please contact:

Markus Wallin, COO HydraSpecma, phone +46 730859935, email:


About HydraSpecma
HydraSpecma is a specialized trading and engineering company with core competencies in trade, production, and expertise in hydraulic components, turnkey solutions and systems, central lubrication, manifolds, pipes, hoses, and fittings. "We move forward in power and motion" by helping our customers optimize their applications.

With headquarters in Skjern, Denmark, HydraSpecma has over 1,300 employees in 10 countries. The company is owned by Schouw & Co and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen.